Whit McMahan

portrays the life story of

President Abraham Lincoln


  Experience the life story of the Sixteenth

  President and learn about his struggle with 

  the American Civil War


  • Schools (Preschool to 12th grade)

  • Senior Living Centers​​

  • Presidents Day (February)​

  • April 14 (day of assassination)

  • Juneteenth


  • Historical Societies

  • Civil War events and reenactments

  • Independence Day (July 4th)

  • Thanksgiving Proclamation (November)

​​​Need an Abe Lincoln Presenter for your event?  ​

For One Score and two years, I have been bringing the Sixteenth President back to life.  "Life of Lincoln", my adult program, includes a story of President Abraham Lincoln's life, as told in first person. As a storyteller, my goal is to educate and entertain audiences young and old.  As a native of Kentucky, I can speak in a tone comparable to Lincoln.  I also try to emulate his appearance, mannerisms, and emotions in a convincing way, although I do not call myself an impersonator.

Adult 1-Hour Presentation - Grades 12 and Up

Adult 40-Minute Presentations (includes sections of the complete program) - Grades 12+

Children's 20-Minute Presentation - Preschool to grade 12 (May include one or two sessions)

Sections of my adult programs are performed to prerecorded period music. As a method actor and story teller, I portray President Lincoln using my own selection of home spun stories, jokes, and excerpts from his many famous speeches.  My interactive presentations explore the period of time in the Lincoln family from the 1780's through 1865.  I will also add a book display and patriotic decor.  The children's program is less detailed, with a greater emphasis on teaching.

​​I.     The story of Abraham Lincoln's grandfather, as he journeyed through the
        mountains of North Carolina to his new home in Northern Kentucky, and his untimely
        death by the Indians

II.    The story of the Lincoln family's move into a vacant log cabin and their struggles of hard

        farm life in rural Central Kentucky

III.   The story of the movement of the Lincoln family to Southern Indiana and their

         wilderness encounters

IV.    The story of Lincoln's boyhood, along with a demonstration of frontier toys familiar to 
         children of the era

V.      Tales, riddles, and Lincoln's first hand witness of slavery

​VI.    The story of Lincoln's move to Illinois and his experiences in New Salem and in the

         state legislature

VII.   The story of Lincoln's move to Springfield and his experiences as a circuit lawyer

​VIII.  The story of Lincoln's experiences as a Congressman, debater, and his election to the

IX.     A brief lesson on Lincoln's Presidency and the Civil War from his perspective, covering
          family matters, battles, generals, and his personal experiences

X.       Recitation of the Gettysburg and a portion of the Second Inaugural addresses

XI.     The surrender story and war aftermath

XII.    The Assassination story

XIII.  The long range effects of the Civil War and a positive message for our country's

Event Types

  Suggested Holidays

Presentation Format 

  Here are some suggested locations for a program